Dismemberment SCPIs
We have previously presented to you the operation of a SCPI, and oriented on certain sectors of activity, on certain geographical areas allowing you to optimize your taxation, and therefore, the creation of your wealth.
It should be noted that there are several ways to buy SCPI shares. The most intuitive one, being the purchase in full ownership. But the one we want to highlight today is the purchase of shares in temporary dismemberment.
What is dismemberment?
The dismemberment of property is the fact of sharing the attributes of the property right between two distinct parties: the bare owner: who holds the right to dispose of the property. The usufructuary who owns the usus, that is to say the right to use the property; and the fructus, that is to say the right to draw resources therefrom, for example rents.
For some SCPIs, there is a temporary dismemberment key, which, depending on the time scale, distributes the value of the bare ownership and the usufruct, on a temporary basis. This scale is generally between 3 years and 20 years, and differs between each SCPI.
Bare ownership for individuals
By purchasing the bare ownership, the investor benefits from an immediate discount in the value of the SCPI share, between 15% and 50%, depending on the duration of the dismemberment chosen. If you only buy bare ownership on the one hand, it is the SCPI management company that will find the usufructuary itself.
On the one hand, the investor capitalizes securely, thanks to the discount applied upon acquisition. In addition, the main advantage is not to increase its taxation, because we do not touch the income generated by the SCPI. These revert to the usufructuary.
At the end of the period of the dismemberment, the investor will recover the usufruct of his units, and will therefore hold his units in full ownership. From then on, its shares will start to generate income. The objective of this operation is to capitalize without increasing taxes, often with the aim of preparing for retirement.
Usufruct for legal persons
The usufructuary will buy the counterpart of the SCPI shares, with which he will enjoy the income generated by his investment until the end of the dismemberment period. The usufruct of SCPI shares is highly coveted by legal persons who use this means in order to grow their corporate cash flow.
Indeed, this technique makes it possible to have high returns over a determined period, thanks to a reduced share price. In addition, the usufruct is advantageous for tax purposes, as it can be depreciated by the company subject to IS, which therefore reduces its corporation tax.
You will understand, time is the paramount factor in optimizing the constitution of your wealth.
Contact one of our advisors who will work with you to establish a personalized strategy based on your goals.
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