Paris 2th : Luxury Real Estate Agency
Vaneau, agencies specializing in luxury real estate in Paris offers tailor-made support for finding exceptional property. See the list of properties selected by our real estate agency located in 2nd district of Paris.

Luxury Real Estate Agency Paris 2nd
Discover the most beautiful apartments of the 2nd district with our Vaneau.
Vaneau, specialist in luxury real estate in Paris offers exceptional properties in one of the most beautiful district of Paris.
Our agency accompanies you in the research, the sale or the renting of your real estate project.
Located in the heart of Paris, the 2nd arrondissement although the smallest of the boroughs is one of the most sought after areas.
Few tourists, its neighborhood life with its many pedestrian streets, shops and restaurants trendy restaurants provide a pleasant environment to live.
It is also endowed with some historical monuments like the Place des Victoires, the Palais Brogniart as well as several known passages bringing together merchant shops but also numerous theaters and museums.
Our team will allow you to find your property of prestige in the different neighborhoods that make up the district: Gaillon, Vivienne, the district of Mail and Good News.
Discover this family and living area which contains many properties, houses and apartments of prestige thanks to the experience of our agency Vaneau.
The 2nd arrondissement is coveted by investors because it houses many offices and small housing ideal for renting. But also a prestige property of Old Paris whose value is very unlikely to decline.
Vaneau gives you access to quality goods in this charming neighborhood and offers a personalized service according to your project.
For more information, contact our agency rue de Turenne.
The real estate agency Vaneau operating in the 2nd
Monday to Friday from 9h to 19h
Saturday from 10h to 13h and from 14h to 17h
Phone: +331 85 15 58 05
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