How to estimate an apartment ?
Estimate your apartment
In order to know the market value of his apartment during a real estate project, it is essential to make an accurate estimate of his property. Vaneau accompanies you to help you estimate your apartment at the best price.
Estimate your apartment
To carry out the sale of your apartment, its estimation is an essential step. It allows to know the true value of your property on the real estate market and to determine a selling price likely to quickly attract potential buyers. A fair estimate allows you to sell quickly by reducing potential trading demands.
To be accompanied by a professional
The expertise of a real estate professional in estimating your apartment is essential to be better oriented in the rest of the sales process of the latter.
If many sites offer more or less accurate online estimates, the arrival and analysis of an expert in your home will allow you to determine the fair price of your apartment by taking into account all aspects of it and you can better position yourself according to the real estate market.
Each apartment is defined by a multitude of criteria that are specific to it: exposure, location, total area, number of rooms, general condition, work done, energy efficient diagnosis (DPE) ...
These are all assets that can influence the market value of your property when it is estimated. However, if last is not very well maintained, has construction defects or is badly located its estimate may be lower than the one you thought.
We advise you to call on a real estate agent who has an objective vision in addition to his expertise to be able to better estimate your apartment. It will take into account a set of criteria both in terms of its location, the current market, the goods previously sold in your neighborhood, city, region and the characteristics of your apartment itself.
Contact us
Vaneau Luxury Real Estate
50 rue de Châteaudun,
75009 Paris
Tel : +33 1 48 00 88 75